Untapped Potential

Untapped Potential

Gary Corder

Gary Corder

MELD Ambassador

January 10, 2022

World Wealth

The wealth of the world is increasing, along with many countries’ economies. With the world’s economy now surpassing $400 trillion, countries continue to grow their financial service efforts. Many traditional financial services, especially in the United States though, are closing down and transitioning to a remote perspective (using personalized apps instead of actual people). The transition leaves people without access to centralized systems behind and unable to capitalize. MELD aims to help bridge the gap between traditional financial systems and anybody who is underbanked or unbanked. The inclusion of everybody despite income or disparities is a major foundation of MELD’s loaning services. With MELD, anybody across the globe can play a role in a system that aims to help its people; billions of people, unlimited connectivity.

Typically to receive a loan, one would have to be approved by a creditor through a lengthy and convoluted process. Paper pushing, poor interest rates, and lack of explanation all paint a negative picture of the loaning industry today. Suppose you want to take out a loan through a traditional creditor with poor credit. The creditor of your choice will give you high-interest rates and a long payback period because you are not well established in their exclusive credit industry. MELD does not discriminate based on “credit”, but will credit based on your crypto! MELD uses cryptocurrency as collateral and MELD will allow a loan of fiat currency up to ½ of the amount in crypto. The potentials are the $15 billion and 2 billion individuals worldwide that are currently unbanked or underbanked.

Turning Potential into Reality

The cryptocurrency industry spans the globe, providing unconnected people the chance to be connected to a force of change. The traditional loaning service is slow and hindered by its central governing system. Being built on Cardano’s breakthrough blockchain, MELD has one of the best platforms to launch a revolutionary financial service. Decentralized finance is here, for the bottom 97% of the world’s wealth. With the first-ever successful Initial Stakepool Offering (ISPO) now over, MELD has gained momentum and will use that to reach the masses. At MELD Labs, safety, community, and empowerment are the foundation to disrupt the banking services industry around the world.

Safety - MELD is in contact with top researchers who test products with differing attack scenarios. The protocol is a research-first entity, built on Cardano’s peer-reviewed blockchain. The user’s safety is a top priority and always will be, any necessary changes will be made accordingly. 

Community - The larger aspect of community includes all cryptocurrency holders independent of any geographic, social, or other boundaries. MELD aims to unite and lift up cryptocurrency users by offering financial services through smart contracts. Smart contracts do not have the ability to discriminate based on credit establishment, so the opportunity is in the people’s hands.

Empowerment - Think about the future of cryptocurrency and the multiple industries it now percolates into. The foundation that MELD has built will continue to expand within the DeFi atmosphere. The construction of various projects within the MELD system will even allow access to instant application processing and collateral release. No more waiting for bureaucratic processes to limit portfolio values.


MELD wants to bridge the gap between the top 3% of the world with limitless access to financial services and the bottom 97% who could use help with accessibility. MELD offers core smart contracts for lending, borrowing, vaulting, staking, governance, and fiat for the users to utilize. With Cardano’s blockchain supporting MELD Labs’ ideologies, the vault for decentralized finance is blown wide open. The MELD ISPO is now over and the potential rests upon the 2 billion individuals who could use decentralized finance most. Anybody with crypto can tap into MELD’s potential, stay in tune for further updates.


The information provided in this marketing material is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial or investment advice. Cryptocurrencies are highly volatile and speculative assets that can experience significant price fluctuations. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Any forward-looking statements reflect MELD’s views at the time such statements were made with respect to future events and are not a guarantee of future performance or developments. You are strongly cautioned that reliance on any forward-looking statements involves known and unknown risks and uncertainties. You should conduct your own research and consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions. The issuer of this marketing material assumes no liability for any financial losses or damages resulting from your reliance on the information provided herein.

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